Insulating your home might not make much sense in the summer. Most newer HVAC systems have good enough AC to cool your house quite efficiently, so homeowners typically don’t bother insulating their homes too much – nor does the standard require heavy insulation – in areas in the South, where temperatures stay high all year round.
However, if you live in an area where winter temperatures get below freezing levels, then insulation will start becoming a long term concern pretty fast.
The main issue here is that heat can be expelled more easily in the summer, but it can’t be retained as easily when temperatures are low. If your home lacks proper insulation, then it will take an enormous amount of energy for your HVAC system to keep up, and it might even cave under the pressure and break down after a while. It also lends itself to roofing issues, and the cost of repair in roofing Canton MI homes.
To prevent such issues and keep your energy costs low, added insulation has to be installed especially in the attic. This is typically where most of the heat escapes, although insulating the walls of your home and adding better siding can also help.
Once you insulate your attic and fix any holes and leaks in your roof, you should be all set. You’ll find your energy costs to gradually become lower and the strain on your heating system to become much less problematic as time goes by.