Return on investment refers to a performance indicator used to measure the efficiency of an investment or to compare the efficiency of several different investments. The indicator is calculated as the ratio between the net profit (total income – total costs) and the total investment costs. ROI measures the value of the return on an investment in relation to its cost and can be considered a very important benchmark when a company or a person decides to invest a sum of money in various projects.
A new residential roof is a large investment that involves costs and risks, therefore any homeowner wants it to be profitable. Profitability comes from the initial price of the roof, compared to its durability and strength in time and in different conditions. That’s why most roofers generally recommend choosing the best value for your money.
The profitability of a roof can be further enhanced, by operations ensuring its durability or by adding accessories that increase the degree of protection it provides as well as its performance. For example, the application of protective membranes is not expensive but increases the lifespan of the roof. Also, photovoltaic panels bring a significant ROI. Even if they are a rather expensive investment, photovoltaic panels can provide you with the electricity you need in your household and for which you will no longer have to pay. Talk with to get details on roofing costs on quality roofing products that will last for years.