Shingles are owner-friendly roofing materials that can be easily installed, maintained and repaired by amateurs and don’t require any special tools or know-how for success. One of the most common shingle issues that require repair is the appearance of loose shingles, that is, shingles that are no longer properly fastened to the surrounding shingles and to the roofing substrate. The problem is easy to for anyone who is not afraid to climb on a ladder and is able to do work at heights – here are the steps that should be followed:
- Flip up the tab or the segment that has become loose to expose the fasteners, such as the roofing nails underneath, then remove the nails, first lifting them a bit with the help of a pry bar, then lifting them out by tapping the end of the pry bar with a hammer;
- Remove the damaged shingle tab and inspect the tabs directly above and underneath the loosened shingle to see whether they are intact. If you see damage on adjacent tabs, remove them, too, to avoid more severe damage;
- Slide the replacement tab into place and adjust its edges with a utility knife if necessary;
- Fasten the new tab with roofing nails and roofing cement.
Call the roofing experts at to replace missing shingles right away!