Storms are weather phenomena that have the power to damage a roof. Even one of those brief summer storms can tear apart roofing materials, not to mention hurricanes or tornados… These weather conditions should always remind us to take our roof maintenance seriously.
A storm may cause minor damage due to various reasons. Rain driven by wind is able to enter even the smallest roof openings. In turn, wind can lose fasteners and scour debris from other areas bringing it in on the roof. These inconveniences may cause further long-lasting problems such as damp insulation, mold, rot, intermittent leaks and ponding. They must not be ignored just because the damage is not so visible and does not seem extensive.
On the other hand, a big storm can also cause major damage that is evident immediately. Hail may pockmark and even break roofing material, some types of shingles may be peeled back by wind and, in some cases, the roofing material may be pushed up due to strong air pressure, literally tearing the roof off.
A roof collapse is catastrophic and nobody wants to experience such event, so make sure to maintain your roof periodically and call the specialists immediately after a storm in order to identify and repair any potential damage.
At Roof One they make sue to take care of their customers, contact them at