Tile is, without a doubt, the best known roofing material and also one of the best in terms of durability and protection efficiency. A tile roof can last up to 100 years installed by a quality roofing company like Roof One and offer all the benefits you need, starting with very good insulation and ending up with thermal comfort.
But what are the tile roofs you can opt for?
Metal tile roof. It is very resistant, flexible and has a low weight, so it will not affect the structure of the building. The warranty for a metal tile roof is typically 30 years, but its durability can be greater (up to 50 years).
Ceramic tile roof. Ceramic tiles represent by far the most popular roofing solution, which is normal, given that it can last up to 100 years, even in climates characterized by temperature variations, frost, impact, or high UV exposure. However, such a roof weighs 10 times more than a metal tile roof, which is why the installation of the ceramic tiles involves a special project that includes verifying and reinforcing the structure of the house.
Concrete tile roof. It is resistant, being able to withstand the elements for over 100 years. It is also a roofing solution with low water absorption and suitable for almost any type of construction.