Having solar panels installed on your roof is a great way to ensure the sustainability of your household. However, not all roofs and not all buildings are suitable for the installation of solar panels – here are some aspects that can help you determine the suitability of your property:
- The roof material – the roofs that use asphalt shingle, clay tile, corrugated metal are the best for the installation of solar panels, while wood shingles and slate do not take the installation well because they are too brittle (however, there are a few modern methods that can work with these roof types, too);
- Roofing configuration and the slope – complicated roof configurations that have lots of chimneys, vents and skylights make the installation of solar panels difficult and there are limitations when it comes to the sloping angle, too;
- The weight bearing capacity of the building – make sure that your building can hold up the weight added by the solar panels;
- The condition of the roof – most solar panels are warranted for around 40 years, so the roof underneath the panels should be able to stay up for at least that long;
- Exposure to the sun – the most important thing that you need for your solar panels to work is sun. The best candidates for solar panels are roofs that get full exposure to the sun between 9 in the morning and 3 in the afternoon. As with most jobs, hiring Port Huron roofing professionals is advised.