The siding is one of the building components that are the most exposed to the elements, including severe weather events, such as hail storms. Hail storms are usually associated with high winds and heavy raining, so it is not only the hail stones that can cause damage to the siding on your building – here are some signs that tell you that the last hail storm has damaged your siding:
- Signs of damage caused by impact – the most common signs of damage caused by the ice balls thrown at siding panels made from metal or wood are circular or oval dents and holes, while vinyl siding panels can develop cracks. If the siding is painted, you might notice chipped or warped paint in the damaged area;
- Signs of damage caused by the high winds – in very extreme cases, the wind can get underneath the siding panels and tear them off the wall. If only one or two of your panels are affected, you can easily replace them when the storm has subsided, but if the damage seems generalized, it is a good idea to call a Port Huron roofing expert to assess the extent of the damage and to propose the best course of action.