Making a claim to your insurer about roofing damage has to be thought out pretty well, before you even consider calling your insurance company and notifying them. It’s a good idea to ask an attorney or a public adjuster beforehand, so you’ll know exactly what to do, then to document all the evidence, so you can build a strong case.
The problem with insurance companies is that the more you wait before notifying them, the less likely it will be for them to actually help you. However, if you take action quickly, you can still contact them pretty soon after the roof was damaged, but still have a chance to talk to your adjuster and a Dexter MI roofing expert.
The main requirement is to have all the evidence and hold all the cards before you call. Otherwise, it might be easy for them to manipulate you into accepting a cheaper settlement. That’s practically what you want to avoid in the first place.
Finally, aside from pictures and videos of the damage, it’s also a good idea to call in a professional roofer to inspect your roof. That way, you’ll also have the opinion of an expert on your side, which will give you a lot of credibility when trying to file a proper claim.