New modern constructions are designed to be thermally insulated, while older buildings must add insulation in order to increase their energy efficiency. A good home insulation depends on the insulating materials; we have several options, each with its pros and cons, but ultimately they are all good choices, as long as they are properly installed, by roofing specialists.
The benefits of thermal insulation are multiple according to roofers experienced in roofing Dexter MI homes, but the most valuable advantage is the reduction of energy consumption by up to 50%. Insulating your home is not cheap at all, but you must look in the long run and realize that the investment will be recovered in a few years and meanwhile, you will pay less and enjoy the same or even more thermal comfort. Besides, the prices vary according to factors like the configuration of the house, workmanship, etc.
Many studies reveal that 35% of a room’s heat is lost through the exterior walls, up to 25% through the roof, 10% through the windows, 15% through the floor, and 15% through the doors.
Our recommendation is to not thermally isolate your home without consulting specialists, otherwise you assume the risks and this will likely turn to be an inconvenience.