If you ask your local contractors, they can quickly tell you that a roofing upgrade will work to your advantage when it comes to making your home more energy efficient. The idea is that the roof and attic area is where most of the heat exchange happens between your home and the environment. This is why local standards typically demand homeowners living in colder areas to upgrade their attic insulation as well.
Buying a new roof might be costly at first, but it will greatly help your energy bills. Not only would a brand new roofing system assist with your home’s insulating capabilities, but it will also add upgrades such as better UV coating to prevent sunlight from heating your home too much in the summer, or improved ventilation which will prevent your home from retaining too much heat.
In the winter, a new or upgraded roof will provide better insulation to allow your home to retain heat more easily. As a result, just heating your home for a few hours to bring the temperature up in some of the main rooms you use will be enough to stay warm for a while, which will allow your HVAC system to rest instead of working non-stop. This will translate in a much lower energy bill overall, as well as fewer visits from HVAC specialists to take care of repairs and maintenance issues. For roofing upgrade products and pricing, see https://www.roofonemichigan.com/dexter-mi-roofing-experts.html.