An insurance policy is important to have, because it gives you the peace of mind that your home doesn’t have to suffer and that you don’t have to cover all your roof repair costs out of your own budget. Calling your roofer experienced in roofing East Lansing homes and then your insurance company should therefore be among the first few actions you take.
You should consider calling your insurance company about roofing problems when:
- You’re dealing with damage caused by a storm, snow or hail, and the damage is quite extensive.
- The damage isn’t so bad, but it was caused by something that’s definitely featured in your coverage.
- You called your roofers, and they instructed you to file a claim because of specific reasons that they can then explain to the insurance company themselves.
As you can see, there are a few good reasons to call your insurer as soon as you get the evidence you need to prove that your roof was damaged by an element or an event that is covered by your insurance policy. So don’t hesitate! After all, you’re the one paying for that premium, and if you can’t collect your claim at this point, then what’s the point to even spend money on insurance?