A brand new roof might protect your house from storms and bad weather, but it can also have many other advantages. One of them is a financial benefit that states that, if you ever find yourself in a position to sell your home, the new roof you just installed will help you by raising the value of your home to a significant degree.
But just how much higher will you be able to take your price, when you do decide to sell your house? According to financial and real estate experts, a brand new roof can increase your home selling price by more than $12,000 on average. This means that even an affordable roofing system installed by a Livonia MI roofing professional, such as an asphalt shingle roof, will help you get your money back and a little extra – provided that you can use other measures as well to increase curb appeal.
The new roof will also offer additional benefits you can use to turn a sale to your advantage. You can, for example, point out to buyers that your warranty is a lot better than the warranties that older roofing systems have, and that the roof looks great against the background of your surrounding neighborhood.
There’s also a lot to talk about the newer upgrades and technologies involved with a newly installed roof. Cool roof technologies, upgraded attic ventilation and better insulating qualities are just a few of the valuable advantages that will be in store for your home’s prospective buyer.